Thursday, May 14, 2009

Treatment commences

After Taylor's diagnosis was confirmed, treatment commenced. Taylor was prescribed anti-convulsant medication. Epilim was the first drug we introduced. The impact this drug had on her behaviour was unbelievable. She went from being a quiet, well-behaved child, to a hyperactive, unsettled terror. These side effects did settle down after a month or so.

A month after her diagnosis was confirmed, she was admitted to the Royal Children's Hospital for an IV course of high dose corticosteriods (Prednisolone). After three days, she was discharged and we continued the high doses of Prednisolone orally. Her dose was as high as 4mg/per kilo/per day, given as a 'pulsed dose', (two large doses, twice a week) to attempt to offset some of the side effects.

Over the following year, may new drugs were introduced at various intervals in a desperate attempt to control her seizures. She was, at one time, taking 7 different types of medication daily. These included: Epilim, Zarontin, Lamictal, Vitamin D, Risperdal, Prednisolone, Frisium.

It was after we increased the Prednisolone to it's highest dose (4mg/kilo/day) and introduced Frisium, that we saw an improvement. Slowly over the next four months, the number of seizures reduced and Taylor began responding to some familiar sounds and words and began babbling again, much like a the age of 4 and 9 months.

We have since successfully weaning many of her medications and we continue to maintain seizure control with just two medications - Frisium and Epilim.

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